Paripesa App Download & Setup (for iOS and Android)

PariPesa App

PariPesa App

Are you a die-hard of accessing your favorite bookies via mobile app? The PariPesa Kenya App simply converts all the features on the web platform into a briefcase platform making it possible to access the bookie on your smart phone and wherever you go (including abroad). No need of a VPN. The application comes in one version at the moment; android. For iOS and other operating systems, you are going to need to wait for the version soon.

The app is about 8 MB in size so that should be light to download and maintain. If you are having trouble navigating the installation especially on android, kindly refer to the info-graphic below.

Installing PariPesa Kenya App on Android

Follow the following steps to download PariPesa App for Android:

  1. On the PariPesa website menu tab, click on the phone icon.
  2. On the resultant page, hover and click on the android icon to download the APK file.
  3. One the file has downloaded, open the “Install unknown apps” sections in your device settings.
  4. Allow app installation from unknown sources.
    [PS: When done installing the PariPesa app, reset this setting back to default to prevent unauthorized whitelisted apps from installing on your device.]
  5. Select the downloaded app file (in out case, the PariPesa app file).
  6. Then tap on “Install”.
  7. Once the app has successfully installed, click on open, login to your created account and start to enjoy the app.

PLEASE NOTE: The PariPesa android app only works for android OS versions 5 and later. Anything below this, will not be able to fully support the the app’s full functionality.

How to Download Paripesa App on iOS

For Apple devices, follow the following steps to download PariPesa App:

  1. Open App Store on your device.
  2. Go to your account.
  3. Click on your name.
  4. Tap “country/region”.
  5. Press “Change Country or Region”.
  6. Select country as Nigeria.
  7. Accept user agreement.
  8. Fill in the address fields. Select “None” from the list of payment methods, then click “Next”.
  9. Go to the App Store and search for PariPesa, or follow this link.
  10. If you get an error message, then you will need to create a new account. Go to to create a new account and set Nigeria as your country.
  11. Go to step 3 above, and select “Sign Out”.
  12. Login using a new account and go to step 9.
  13. Accept and everything hopefully will be smooth.

And that’s how to install PariPesa app on iOS devices.

PariPesa Kenya website actually has a very comfortable, user-friendly feel about it all. It’s actually pretty nice to be on and to browse around. The site operates quickly and if you aren’t worried about big features like live streaming (which still look nice on mobile) , then that is a real plus. You are not really in dire need of the app though it is a great security feature and will ease your access even in restricted locations.


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